Uvicorn Starting on 8888 When 80 Defined


Uvicorn is one of the prime ASGI servers for Python web applications to be downloaded quickly due to its high speed and lightness. Developers use it to serve FastAPI and other ASGI based applications effectively. But there is a curious question: what if developers specify running under Uvicorn:port=80, and the process starts on port 8888? Unusual though it may be, this behavior has been observed frequently enough to confuse developers and prompt discussions in various developer communities. In this article, we will explore everything about Uvicorn starting on 8888 when 80 defined, providing a comprehensive guide to understanding, diagnosing, and resolving this puzzling issue.

The Problem at Hand: Uvicorn Starting on 8888 When 80 Defined

The scenario of Uvicorn starting on 8888 when 80 is defined is both unexpected and disruptive. When a developer is writing their command, when the word port 80 is used, the server aims to attach itself to that port. For example, the command:

Uvicorn Starting on 8888 When 80 Defined

uvicorn main:app –host –port 80

need to start the server at port 80. However, in some cases, Uvicorn begins on port 8888 which is not standard practice on a conventional web server. Such differences can cause an application to be broken, produce ambiguous results for developers, and necessitate problem solving to identify the problem.

Common Causes of Uvicorn Starting on 8888 When 80 Defined

Several factors can contribute to Uvicorn, starting on 8888, and then 80 was defined. Recognizing causes is, therefore, a step towards solving the problem.

Another reason is that mplayer no longer has administrative or root privileges, among which is the fact that it is synchronous output. Some of os’s, when publishing to a socket, such as port number 80, will require superuser privileges. When these permissions are not set up, Uvicorn uses another port, which is more irresponsible, such as 8888. This security feature provided by the operating system aims to deny access to well-recognized ports by a process.

Another source of this can be attributed to the misconfiguration in the environment. This may be due to the wrong configuration of the systems, another service running in parallel with the server on port 80, or instances where environment variables override the specified port. In some cases, developers may unintentionally set default values that conflict with their intended configurations, leading to the observed behavior of Uvicorn starting on 8888 when 80 defined.

Diagnosing the Issue

A systematic approach to diagnosis is essential to resolve the problem of Uvicorn starting on 8888 when 80 defined. The developers can start by checking their permission profile of their project. If permission is the problem running the same command with administrative privileges often corrects the problem. For instance, on Linux systems, prefixing the command with sudo may allow Uvicorn to bind to port 80 as intended:

sudo uvicorn main:app –host –port 80

If permissions are not the concern, then exploring configuration settings in an environment is the next step that one would take. However, Developers should check their environments to ensure no conflicting environment variables might be overwriting the assigned port. Another helpful command being able to check for services already running on port 80 for conflicts. Tools like netstat or lsof can be used to list processes bound to port 80:

Uvicorn Starting on 8888 When 80 Defined

sudo netstat -tuln | grep :80

Resolving Uvicorn Starting on 8888 When 80 Defined

Once the root cause has been identified, resolving the issue of Uvicorn starting on 8888 when 80 defined becomes straightforward. If any kind of power or administrative aspect is needed, it will often determined if the command is run with sufficient permissions. The situations where running the application as root is impossible are quickly resolved using port forwarding because the traffic can be forwarded from port 80 to another port that can be started without being root. For example, on Linux, the iptables command can be used for this purpose:

The command I entered is: sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp –port 80 -j REDIRECT –to-port 8888

Another way is that developers can change their application’s settings by using a port not privileged to run on by default, thus eliminating the need for a privileged port.

If the problem results from misconfigurations, the configurations have to be corrected, and services and environment variables will often fix the problem. For instance, environment variables might be set up with the application port information; sometimes, it’s cleared or redefined, which may help set the correct port.

Preventing Uvicorn Starting on 8888 When 80 Defined

Prevention is always better than cure, and understanding how to avoid the issue of Uvicorn starting on 8888 when 80 dwas defined can save developers time and frustration. Another procedure, as an error-checking procedure, is designed to incorporate intensive error-checking and logging in the deployment details. This helps distinguish between normal and aberrant behavior so that the latter is corrected immediately.

Developers should also ensure that they understand the spécifications for binding to privileged ports on their operating s well when preparing their deployment systems. Another issue that can be reduced is automating the process by using tools such as Docker. This provides an environ that has less variation in which applications can be run.

FAQs About Uvicorn Starting on 8888 When 80 Defined

In my opinion, why does Uvicorn use 8888 instead of 80? If Unicorn does not have permission to bind to port 80 or has conflicting settings or services, Unicorn starts with port 8888.

How can I fix Uvicorn starting on 8888 when 80 is defined? If you are experiencing issues running the command with administrative privileges, conflicts with other services, and configuration failures, it often causes issues that may take quite a while to diagnose and solve.

Is it safe to run Uvicorn on port 80?  As long as you protect yourself from exposing your server to the Internet with a firewall that only allows access from sources in your internal network, Uvicorn should be run on port 80 with security precautions in place because it is not dangerous. However, binding to port 80 needs root privileges, and that’s why people often suggest other ways, like port forwarding or using the reverse proxy.

Can I ever use a reverse proxy to avoid this problem? Yes, with the help of the Nginx or Apache server, you can forward the requests to your application hosted on port 80, even if it doesn’t bind the Uvicorn directly to this port.

I want a command to identify what is active on port 80? To confirm the findings perform a scan to look for processes bound to port 80 using utilities like netstat or lsof. For example, run sudo netstat -tuln | grep:80 to check if several services use the port.

Uvicorn Starting on 8888 When 80 Defined


In conclusion, the issue of Uvicorn starting on 8888 when 80 defined highlights the importance of understanding server configuration and deployment nuances. By analysing the problem, identifying correct remedies, and using the proper prevention measures, developers can overcome the unforeseen issues with the perfectly suitable use of modern applications Uvicorn.


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